18 August 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to _________________________.

2. My favorite room in my home is ____________________.

3. Back-to-school time makes me think of _____________.

4. My favourite year of school was ________, because __________.

Here are my responses:

If someone were visiting my area, I would recommend a visit to Gilbert’s Crossing, especially if I had completed that book at the time and they had read it. In the spring, I would definitely recommend a visit to the wildflower field at the First Presbyterian Church. Other than that, I can’t think of anything in our immediate area that I would recommend. About sixty miles away in one direction is the Houston Zoo. About 50 miles away in another direction is the beach. I would still recommend waiting for December for either one of those due to oppressive heat in the summer.

My favorite room in our home is what was formerly our grand-doggers’ room. When Battly died, we brought Petra into our room so that she wouldn’t be so lonely.  It has become a sanctuary for me, of sorts. It is where I go to do my Bible reading and devotion, read other books, and let the tears flow when I can’t hold them in anymore. Before it got so hot this summer, outside with the birds was my sanctuary.  I can’t safely sit out there in this heat.

Back-to-school time makes me think of cooler weather, which, of course, we don’t get here on the Texas Gulf Coast. Back home in South Carolina, going back to school meant that we’d soon have cooler weather and beautiful fall colors and THANKSGIVING!

My favorite part of the school year was Thanksgiving break, Christmas vacation, Easter holidays, Spring break, and my most favorite of all, the last day of school!  I loved learning, but I did not enjoy the torment given to me at school, mostly by other students, but in some instances, teachers, too. I looked forward to the last day, at least until my senior year. Then, I cried that whole last week of school. I cried, not so much for the fact that I was leaving school, but running headlong from the known into the unknown.

Have a blessed weekend, y’all!

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  1. Yep, we have two kinds of weather here. Hot and hotter. I love you. Zing! Zing!

    1. Make that three. There's also the "let's pack it up and get out of here NOW!" weather. :)
      I love you, too, my Zing.

  2. for me it's easy they all want to see the Waterloo battle field, as I am living on a historical place where Napoleon lost the battle against Wellington.

    1. That sounds like it would be a very cool place to visit. I love history and visiting battlefields and other historic places.

      Have a blessed weekend!

  3. It will be nice when the weather cools and you are able to be outside, again. Maybe you can have some Autumn adventures, too! Have a good week. Be good to you.

    1. It sure will be nice when/if that happens. Thank you. Autumn adventures would be wonderful.

      Have a blessed weekend.

  4. Thank you for participating, great answers. Kids can be so mean in school and some teachers just look the other way. I bet the wildflower field is beautiful. Have a great weekend! I hope it cools off for you soon. XO

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I don't know why kids have to be so mean to each other. And for a grown-up to bully or humiliate a child is just beyond all comprehension. During my junior year, my government teacher would pull a chair up beside my desk and make kissy faces at me, having most of the class laughing at me. He was sometimes the study hall monitor. Those weeks there was no relief from humiliation for me. If I had told my daddy what was happening, that man wouldn't have bothered anyone else. But, I didn't tell my daddy because I didn't want to lose my daddy. I just endured it. After the fact, I heard what he had done to one of my cousins and I wish that someone had done to him what my daddy would have done to him.

      Yes, that wildflower field is absolutely beautiful! Thank you. Maybe it will be a little cooler by December. :)

      Have a blessed weekend!


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