13 October 2014

31 Days in the Moment - A Tale of Two Emotions

13 October 2014

"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times..." would describe this last week perfectly.

I have been so happy to have Davey home after four months of him being gone that I could explode. At the same time, each day has had tomorrow looming before it, the day he leaves us again for a very long, undetermined amount of time. I spent most days both laughing and crying, not wanting to sleep because I didn't want to miss a minute with him and not being able to keep my eyes open from the exhaustion of driving into the city quite a few days during this visit.

David, Sr. & David, Jr.
Then there's the dreams, freaky ones, scary ones, and downright goofy ones. I just wish the fact that he was leaving us again was a nightmare that I could wake up from and the reality be that he is still here with us, going to school, and being here where I can be sure his is safe instead of heading off into a future that I cannot protect him from because he is out protecting our country.

I am proud as can be of our son and he's absolutely beautiful in his uniform. But he was just as beautiful to me in his little baby curls and that sweet, sweet smile that they've erased from him. When he left, all of the air sucked out of this house and time stood still. The clock ticked while he was here this week.

Tomorrow, it stops again.

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