14 October 2014
Today got started very early. We left at approximately 4:30 this morning. It was probably the hardest drive of my life, driving into an uncertain future, not knowing when we'll see our son again.
We stopped at the Waffle House for a good-bye breakfast along the way. David, Jr.'s flight wasn't scheduled to depart until 9am, but we knew that we had to get ahead of rush hour traffic or we might not get him there in time. We were right. He had to be there about an hour early for the security check-in and we almost didn't make it. We got to IAH between 7:30 and 7:45am and let Davey and his baggage out at the drop-off area, then we went to find the terminal parking, which involved us driving toward the airport exit and turning back around heading for the terminal parking garage. We met back up with him at about 7:55am and it was time for him to go through security.
I snapped a few pictures and David, Sr., tried to get a video, but the video camera was having trouble focusing for some reason. My camera was having some issues of its own, but I did get an interesting impressionistic photograph at the very end. I know what Davey was wearing, so I know which blob is our boy, but that's the only reason it is clear to me!
We said our good-byes and I commenced to blubbering as he walked away, into his future. My husband and I headed on into ours, which involved getting hung up in Houston traffic for what seemed like forever due to a stalled vehicle and two accidents. One of these issues affected traffic on at least three levels of the roadway. That had to be the most exhausting drive I've ever made. Having vehicles all around me and not being able to get out of there wasn't helping my claustrophobic tendencies, either.
We finally made it back home and took a nap, but it wasn't nearly long enough. There were folks and things here that needed our attention no matter how exhausted we were, like a kitty that wanted to play Tasmanian devil, and getting Maggie from school, and various other things.
Life goes on, though very altered from the plans that I made all those years ago when I first decided to become a mommy.
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