15 October 2014
Today has been a slow day in comparison to all of the excitement when David, Jr., was home last week on boot leave. We don't really have any plans for anything beyond taking Mags to classes and back and getting Laynie for the weekend. I would gladly face driving into the city every day if it meant Davey would still be home with us.
This is performance week for the theater, so Mags has been really busy, in spite of being sick. She doesn't want to let the theater group down, so she's being a trooper. She is the prop master for this performance. She has been wearing a mask hoping not to make anyone else sick. Laynie is going to make a surprise visit at the theater and have a fun time visiting with her old friends and some new ones. I hope that traffic is cooperative when we drive into the city Friday!
There is a light rail train that runs near the university that apparently will go to the zoo. We're looking forward to that because we can park at the university and not have to fight the chaos trying to find a space at the zoo. I was ready to explode by the time we found a parking space when we went last Sunday. Then, poor David had to walk way farther than he should have before we got to the zoo entrance and he was able to get a motorized chair.
Anyway, life is back to a somewhat slower pace and will definitely slow down after this week is over and the play is behind all of us. Hopefully, both Maggie and Laynie will be able to get some rest and get to feeling better. We're all dragging a bit and missing Davey something fierce.
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