31 August 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

New Friday_Fill-In_Badge
Here are the fill-ins:
  1. The best teacher I ever had was ___________________.
  2. The worst teacher I ever had was __________________.
  3. I recently learned how to _________.
  4. I think everyone should know how to _________.

Here are my responses:

Oh wow, there have been too many for me to be able to choose an absolute best. But, since I have to choose one, I will choose Mrs. Anna Dean Pennington. She was my 11th grade US History teacher. She put something on the board the first day of class and told us to remember it, that it would be on the exam. I did, and it was, and I still remember it to this day. What she wrote on the board was 1588. Its significance was the defeat of the Spanish Armada. She said if we’re ever confused and wondering who won that situation, to think about what language we were speaking. We were speaking English (well, okay, a Southern version of it!) and so that meant England won. I’m beginning to think that this is the one thing that I will remember for life.

The worst teacher I ever had...again, there have been so many. Ordinarily, I would say my first grade teacher Miss Cromer. You can read about her here. However, I will go to my high school years and choose Mr. Gosnell. He was a creep. He would humiliate me in front of classmates in a way far worse than Miss Cromer did. She was just trying to maintain control of her classroom. He, however, was bent on being a pervert. He would pull a chair up to my desk and sit there staring at me, blowing kissy faces at me, and totally killing me inside. This got to me on so many levels. I was painfully shy and introverted. The attention his actions brought to me was unbearable. Then, there’s the matter of a grown man making advances toward a 16 year old girl. I felt violated. Had I told my daddy, he would have killed him. I often think that I should have told my daddy. But, Mama always said never to do anything that would get my hot-tempered daddy in trouble, so I kept it to myself. I don’t think I ever even told her.

I recently learned how to build a stand for top down/from above photography and videography. It is how we record our cooking videos because I’m too bashful and self-conscious to show my face on camera.

I think everyone should know how to read and write. Being able to read opens up so many opportunities. If one can read, they can go anywhere. Books can help us to (mentally) travel to places we have no reason to ever expect to be able to go AND teach us how to do what we need to do to make it a possibility and not just a dream. The ability to read gives us the world!

Please visit our daughter Maggie and her cat Martha over at: Martha’s Daily Mews.


Have a blessed weekend, y’all!

Image Source: Pixabay

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

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  1. Gosnell, now there was a piece of ...work. Got to love Mrs. Pennington and Miss Elrod. I love you, my Zing!

    1. Yes, he most definitely was.
      Mrs. Pennington and Miss Elrod were great. :)
      I love you, too, my Zing.

  2. The teacher question is kind of tough, but I've got two answers: Best was my fourth grade teacher Ms Kingston. She exposed us to so many aspects of the arts and made the regular curriculum very interesting--it was a good class. Worst teacher was Mr Dalton my senior math teacher. He was a very ineffective teacher as far as the class I was in. Later he went into administration and became school superintendent--good for keeping him out of a classroom.

    I feel like I learn new little things everyday, but as far as recent things I can't think of anything in particular. Probably something related to the computer or technology.

    I'm in agreement with you that everyone needs to know how to read and write. You nailed that answer.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Hi Arlee,

      Ms. Kingston sounds like a cool teacher. It is great when they are able to bring something different and exciting to the class.

      Was Mr. Dalton any better in administration than he was as a math teacher? Some people just aren't meant to deal directly with the kids.

      I think sometimes what I learn most often is how NOT to do something in regards to computers and technology. I'm surprised I haven't blown this computer up already with clicking the wrong thing. :)

      Thank you. I can't imagine life without the ability to read.

      Have a blessed week.

    2. Yes, he was definitely better in administration and he stayed in his superintendent position for several years.


    3. I'm glad that he found a job that worked out better for him AND for the students. :)
      Have a blessed day.


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