17 August 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!

New Friday_Fill-In_Badge

Here are the fill-ins:
  1. I am going_________________.
  2. I want to be more ______________.
  3. Once in a blue moon, I _________.
  4. I have a large collection of _________.

Here are my responses:

I am going to have a baking/cooking channel on YouTube with our girls. Stayed tuned for more on that in weeks to come!

I want to be more self-confident.

Once in a blue moon, I have a burst of energy and get a lot of things done.

I have a large collection of angels. I am working on a collection of elephants, too, in honor and memory of my Oliphant ancestors.

Please visit our daughter Maggie and her cat Martha over at: Martha’s Daily Mews.



Have a blessed weekend, y’all!

Image Source: Pixabay1

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

I respond to all comments on this blog, ideally within 24 hours.  Please check back here for a response to your comment.  Thank you!
Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. It does seem like this new YouTube channel is coming together well. I love you, my Zing!

    1. Thank you. It couldn't be done without you and your technical and taste-testing skills. :)
      I love you, too, my Zing.

  2. Great answers! I'd like to be more self-confident too. That's always been a problem for me and it still is. I hope you are having a good week.

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. I wonder what we can do to build our self-confidence at this point, especially after so long not having any. Best wishes to you on your journey to self-confidence, too. Our week is going okay, for the most part. I hope that yours is going great, too. Have a blessed night. :)


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I appreciate your comments and will respond as soon as possible. I respond to all comments here on this blog.

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!