29 September 2017

2017 September Challenge: Back Where I Come From – Day 29

 For more information on this challenge, click here.

29. Does your hometown have a newspaper?  Does it come out daily, bi-weekly, weekly, or some other frequency? Does your hometown have its own radio station?

Yes, my hometown newspaper is called Independent Mail. It has been a daily paper for many, many years.  Unfortunately, it is now a part of the USA Today Network and I don’t like that one bit! There are crappy ads all over the place, often with scantily clad people. There’s just so much crammed onto the online pages of the paper that it is too distracting. I have the online subscription because they won’t mail the print edition out here to Texas and I want to be able to keep up with the obituaries and some of the other news.  Folks shouldn’t have to endure naked chics in order to find out who has died recently. The ads should be relevant to the page.  On the obit pages, have flower, cemetery, or funeral home ads, not “Hey, check out the pool at our hotel” or whatever ads.

There were radio stations in town when I was a kid, but I don’t know if they are still operating or not.

Please join the challenge by either sharing a link to your challenge post in the comments or answering in the comment section. Please visit David’s post over at Random Thoughts and Observations.
Please visit these other challenge participants, too!

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.
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  1. Great answer. It would seem that anyone with any advertising know how would see that placing vacation ads or anything else that was seen as "Fun" next to obits is in poor taste. I love you, mu Zing!

    1. Thanks. Evidently, these folks don't have the know-how. It is very frustrating.

      I love you, my Zing. :)


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