09 September 2013

Monday Morning's Musings

Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog has started a new meme. Please be sure to pop over to her site and give it a go. :)

I was riding through town the other day and passed by the Dairy Queen. On their sign, they were advertising a bacon guacamole burger. Weird things inspire probably weirder thoughts in me. What came to my mind was that guacamole is good for you and bacon, well, it's not so good for you (or the pig either, for that matter!). But, bad as the bacon is for you, it doesn't change the good properties of the guacamole. The guacamole is still a healthy choice. The bacon affects the overall healthiness of the burger, but changes nothing about the health properties of the individual components of the burger.

This can apply to a lot of things in life. Maybe bad things come along to make us feel threatened, and maybe they affect the overall health of your relationship with someone, but these bad things do not change who you are. You are still you. The guacamole doesn't suddenly become bad for you just because the bacon happened along. And if the person in your life prefers the bacon over the guacamole, then that is their misfortune!

On a spiritual level, the sins that enter our lives do not change the fact that Heavenly Father loves us and that He sent His son to die for our sins. Maybe we stole something; maybe we wished someone dead, or any number of other bad things. The gift is still there. He died to clean us of those sins, too. No matter how bad we are, His gift is still good.

This made a whole lot more sense in my head!

Here is the video that my husband David made for this post.

Please join along and add your blog to the linky.


  1. Hi Suzanne! I LOVE your thoughts on bacon and guacamole vs. sin and goodness. It is so deep, and so true. I will remember this for a while!

    I'll go grab one of my blogs and join your hop! Thank you for your opportunity to meet other bloggers :)

    1. Hi Ceil. :) Thank you. I am glad that you liked this post. It was so hard for me to word what was on my heart. It sounded so much better in my head.

      Thank you for joining this blog hop that Cathy Kennedy started. I am glad that she created it. :)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope that you have a great week!

  2. I like what you had to say in your musings. You know, you're so right. The thing is what people decide to do with the bad choices in their lives. Will they allow it to rule them or will they rise to the challenge to make things better? God loves the sinner, but hates the sin and yet He sent His son. That's so amazing! Thanks for playing today. :)

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I think that He has given us a wonderful gift. If only humans could be so gracious to each other, to be able to forgive, truly forgive, and help people to make things better.

      Thank you for starting this meme and for stopping by here and commenting. I hope that you have a great week!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Denise, for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  4. Suz, David did an excellent job on the video. I'm going to feature your blog in next week's post of Monday Morning Musings. Thanks you guys for including me in your vlog! :)

    1. Thanks, Cathy, and David thanks you, too. We're glad that you liked the video. :) I appreciate that you featuring PS Annie! That is really sweet of you.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!


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