25 October 2014

31 Days in the Moment - Rest, Revisiting, and Reasoning

25 October 2014

So far, so good, on this being a day of rest. I haven't even gone out to check the mail today. David is working on a paper for his class and I am struggling to think of something to say here on this blog.

Maggie is really interested in our relationship story, so David has been sharing his version of it with her. We have some differences of opinion on various parts, but that is normal. No two people are going to see the same situation in the same way. It is a matter of perspective.

There are a couple of interesting conversations going on out there with which I have been involved. One thing that I never fail to be good at is frustrating people with my opinions on things. I have trouble expressing myself anyway and can be rather blunt at times. I don't know how to adjust my terminology to be more palatable to those on the receiving end of things without being dishonest and so I just say what is on my mind or say nothing. Either way seems to frustrate people at times.

How do you handle such situations?


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I appreciate your comments and will respond as soon as possible. I respond to all comments here on this blog.

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!