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1. Wednesday, July 24th is Drive Thru day - do you have any drive thrus that you have a hard time passing?
No, not really. We have the usual Sonic, McDonald's, and What-a-Burger drive-thrus here, but they are easy enough to resist. Now, if there was a drive through Olive Garden or Red Lobster, I'd have a hard time passing those! I'd have to anyway, because they are out of my budget right now. But, I would have a hard time passing them by. I might just have to pull over and sniff them for awhile. :)
2. Other than signing your name, when was the last time you physically wrote something?
The last time my son and I went to Walmart, he went into the store and I waited in the car. While he was inside, I wrote down a few recent dreams in my journal. Boy, is my handwriting awful, thanks to over fifteen years of typing!
Regarding signing my name, I can't even seem to do that anymore. I keep signing with my maiden name (Gunter) instead of my married name (McClendon) and we've been married almost twenty-nine years!
3. What was the first movie you saw in a movie theater? the latest one?
I have no clue the name of the first movie that I saw in a theater, though it was probably one of those summer movies that the theaters used to show for free to the local school children. The very first movie that I remember seeing was at a drive-thru and I really don't think that it was one that my parents intended for me to see, though they were the ones that took me. I would like to think that they didn't realize what type of movie was playing at the drive-in that night.
The last movie that I saw in a movie theater was The Lion King in 3-D. That was pretty cool. I thought that Zazu was going to fly into me; it was that realistic at one point. I couldn't catch Zazu any better than I ever could catch the flies in the ophthalmologist tests, either.
4. Have you ever visited Disney?
No, I haven't, and I don't have any plans to ever go there. I have a hard enough time walking to the mailbox, forget walking for hours at a theme park anymore.
What is something that you would love to learn more about? Or, what is your area of expertise?
Image Source (Mouse): By Unknown (original) / Ilmari Karonen (editing) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
I would love to learn more about textile art. I have made a couple of pieces and it really fascinates me.
ReplyDeleteI think that textile art is fascinating, too.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I sometimes have the maiden name signature problem too, but I made my maiden name my middle name when I changed my last name, so if I start to write the maiden name I just keep on going. LOL
ReplyDeleteI'd love to learn more about everything! I read a news story about something I don't know inside and out to try to understand more. Really I'd love to take a comprehensive calls on the ADA update from 2010. I'd also love to really learn, or relearn, some political American History. I get into stuff where I learn more about a ton of things all the time.
As far as expertise, I shy away from calling myself and expert on anything, but I know a lot about Photoshop and digital scrapbooking,being positive and mental skills in that vein and multiple sclerosis and coping skills. I've also always been able to organize group projects;people skills.
That sounds like a good fix for the signing problem. I usually use the initial of my maiden name in my signature, and I think that sometimes that might be the cause of me signing the wrong name.
DeleteI think that it is great that you love learning about lots of different things. I am that way, too, and usually while I'm trying to learn more about something I find a hundred other somethings that I want to learn about, too.
It is great that you know a lot about Photoshop. I know just about enough of it to get in trouble with it sometimes. I get a thought in my head of something to do, and then I can't get it figured out how to do it. Photoshop likes to tease me sometimes. :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I signed my maiden name to a check when my grandmother passed away and I had been married for nearly 20 years. As far as learning something new I think it would be about illnesses that affect the elderly. As I get older I want to be more aware of my health and that of my hubby.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think makes us do this after being married for so long?
DeleteDo you have an interest in any particular affliction of the elderly? One that concerns me a great deal is Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. My maternal grandmother had Alzheimer's.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I love to cook, and I love learning more about it all the time. Specifically, how to make most staples from scratch.
ReplyDeleteCooking can be a great deal of fun, especially if you have people that are willing to humor you through experiments. When David and I first got married, I did a lot of experimenting in the kitchen. Once the kids came along, not so much. We've only got one child that is willing to try pretty much anything that we give her.
DeleteI think that cooking from scratch is better, too. At least that way you know what is in the food you're eating!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I would like to learn more about quilting. I think I'd like to try to make a quilt some day.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you will give it a try some day. My granny was a quilter and did it until arthritis made her stop. All of her grandchildren had a quilt from her and some of her great-grandchildren did, too.
DeleteI've made baby quilts, but never a full-sized one like granny's. It can be scary to start a project of this magnitude when you've never done it before. I wish you the best of luck once you take the plunge!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I would like to learn more about cooking right now.
ReplyDeleteIs there anything in particular that you especially want to learn how to cook?
DeleteWhen I was first learning, I tried making chicken cacciatore (probably spelled that wrong!). I didn't know what the recipe meant when it said "clove" of garlic, so I put the whole garlic bulb in it. It's a good thing that David loves garlic. haha
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I'm still learning more everyday about computers which is my passion and job.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your favorite part of working with computers?
DeleteI've been using a computer since 1996, and sometimes I still don't have a clue how to do this or that. It seems that the more I figure out about them, the more there is to figure out, and then they go and change something (like new operating systems). I'll never catch up. :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
Nice answers.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Denise. :)
DeleteI hope that you have a blessed week!