10 October 2016

JNW's Halloween Challenge: Day 10 - Boo

I first learned about Jennifer Nichole Wells' Halloween Challenge through Ellen at 15 and Meowing. Please click here to learn more about this challenge.

Watch for the little red-headed baby...he's going to say, "Boo!"

I am also participating in OctPoWriMo over on McClendon Villa at WordPress. Please hop over there to read the poem of the day.  

Please visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. I have never seen that movie, I need to get it from the library.

    1. You really should. It is a great movie, funny and sweet. The little redheaded baby is too adorable for words. :)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great night!


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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!