16 August 2016

August Happiness Challenge - Day 16

The "August Happiness Challenge" is hosted by Sam over at One Gal's Musings.  Run on over to her place to learn all about it!

This little scarecrow, peeking out from the closet of the room that used to house our children, looks very happy.  He is a treasure that belongs to our youngest child. Though he looks happy, his name is Scary. Our baby girl is an inimitable character. She gives things names that are completely opposite of what seems normal.  Her unique personality makes me happy. 

Please read David's August Happiness Challenge post over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

Please also visit our hostess Sam over at One Gal's Musings.


Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ellen. She has another one around here somewhere. I haven't found yet where it is hiding. This one made it easy for me by peaking around the door. :) Have a great night!


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