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When I was in high school and dreaming of my first car, my dream car was a baby blue Volkswagen Beetle, affectionately known as a "Bug". This word fits that memory on all counts!
Blue is also the eye color of some very important people in my life, specifically, David and several of our children. All of them have some variation of blue eyes except for our youngest son. He has dark brown eyes. I call him my Selkie. You can read more about Selkies here. He gave me new life. He was my miracle baby, sent to me after his second oldest sister was stillborn. We are the different ones in this family, as everyone else has eye colors predominantly blue. Truly, they are all miracle babies!
Disclaimer: These Filipino word images are from an article by Isabelle Laureta on BuzzFeed titled
“36 Of The Most Beautiful Words In The Philippine Language”. All credit goes to them.
Troop Train To Berlin
1 hour ago
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