1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your summer so far? Why?
(1=eh and 10=best summer ever)
I guess about a 5. It hasn't been spectacular, but it hasn't been horrible either. Well, except for the heat. That HAS been horrible! One day our heat index was 115 degrees!
2. July 26th is National Aunts and Uncles Day. Did you have many aunts and uncles growing up? Were you especially close to any one or maybe all of them? Are you an aunt? (or uncle for the men who join here on Wednesdays) Share a favorite memory relating to one of your own aunts or uncles or relating to a niece or nephew who calls you Aunt (or Uncle).
My daddy has one living sibling, my Aunt Charlotte. They had an older brother, Uncle Bobby Joe, that was killed while in service in Germany. My mama had 2 brothers and 4 sisters (3 that made it to adulthood). Also, my grandparents had siblings. The one that I was closest to was my maternal grandma's sister, my Aunt Mae. She was as sweet as could be, just like my grandma. I used to spend time with her during the summer. One night while we were asleep, I had a dream that involve stairs that led into Heaven. I was moving furniture up the stairs into Heaven. I remember wondering about that dream and she helped me to not be so confused. Aunt Mae, and Grandma, too, were fine Christian women and I was blessed to have them in my life. Aunt Mae passed away just before I could tell her that I was pregnant with the son that would ultimately carry her daddy's name. I had promised her when I was a teenager that I would name my firstborn son after her daddy, my great-grandpa, Julius Jared Pressley (surname unknown at the time). When David and I had Jared, he didn't want me to name him Julius, so I dropped Julius. Our son was named Jared Pressley McClendon.
3. What's your favorite food dipped in chocolate? What's your favorite food dipped in cheese?
I think cheesecake would be great dipped in chocolate and in cheese! I wouldn't run from chocolate or cheese-covered shrimp, either. Cheesecake and shrimp are my favorite foods no matter how they are dressed.
4. When were you last astonished by something? Explain.
I would have to say it was earlier when David came up to me, totally out of the blue, and laid a major kiss on me. :)
5. Surf board, paddle board, ironing board, Pinterest board, score board, clip board, bulletin board...which board have you most recently encountered?
I would have to say a Pinterest board. It was one about saving and making money.
6. What's your favorite story from scripture? Why that story?
I think that my favorite story from the Bible, aside from the birth of Christ, is the story of the little boy being raised from the dead. It is in 2 Kings Chapter 4. Elisha stretched himself out on the child a couple of times and the child sneezed back to life. I know how it feels to lose a child. This woman's faith was strong and she knew that Heavenly Father through Elisha could bring her child back to life again. Oh, to have such faith and to have it answered that way!
7. If you were to travel from the east coast to the west coast in your own country, which five cities would you most want to see?
This doesn't have to be in a straight line, does it? This adventure would be a little ziggity-zaggity. I don't really like cities, but if I have to chose cities over small towns, I would choose: Asheville, North Carolina; Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; San Antonio, Texas; and San Diego, California (but only because our boys have spent so much time there!).
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am just totally amazed at the folks that will go on and on about not liking something, about how something is so wrong, yet close off all avenues to changing it. They don't want to hear or consider any ideas about how to change the problem or work through it. They just want to spit out hate. They shut off two-way conversation, refusing to see that change starts with each of us, thereby proving that they and other closed-minded people like them, are the root of the problem.
Don't blame me for what my ancestors did almost 200 years ago. Don't think that you get a free pass because of what yours endured those same 200 years ago. Neither of us are the guilty party and neither of us are the victim of what went on all those years ago. We can't change the past, but hate can kill the future. We can change that!
Chocolate cheesecake yes, chocolate shrimp I don't think so although I'd give it a try! I like your astonished moment, my hubby is more likely to frighten the life out of me by creeping up on me. Nice Random Thought. Enjoy the rest of your week.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to try almost anything involving shrimp. :) If you try it before I do, let me know how it works out.
Deletehaha We have had our sneak attack moments here, too. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. It is fun! I'm scared to sneak up on him out of the blue since the strokes. I'm afraid I'll cause another one or a heart attack.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
Cheesecake dipped in chocolate sounds absolutely amazing :)
ReplyDeleteI think so, too. Throw some strawberries in there and it is even more perfect. :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
I've been to Asheville, Charleston, and Savannah and they're all wonderful road trip destinations : ) I just pray a lot for our nation. We're a mess.
ReplyDeleteHave you been to the Biltmore House? I love that place! I love how, as you're coming around the one mountainside, you can see it over in the distance and it looks small, but then BOOM! It is huge as the drive opens up. Just beautiful. :)
DeleteI've been to Asheville, Charleston, and San Antonio, but have never been to Savannah or San Diego. Charleston, Savannah, and San Antonio would all be great photographic destinations, too. I should also have said Galveston.
This country, and the world, definitely needs all the prayers that it can get. Yes, a mess for sure. I don't understand the attitudes of some people out there. It seems I've gotten into more arguments over the last year by agreeing with people, telling them they are right, on explosive subjects than if I just argued with them and called them stupid at the get-go. I don't understand that at all. It is all very frustrating indeed.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
Love your random thought. We are kindred spirits! I like it when my husband astonishes me, too!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Connie. I am very happy to be kindred spirits with you. I think that it is great that your husband astonishes you, too. :) Reckon we'll keep 'em? haha
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
Your chocolate-cheese dips are interesting. I like the your #9 is right on.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Katie. I appreciate that. I have a whole lot more on my heart to say about it, but I can't figure out how to "pretty" it up. Political correctness isn't my strong suit. I'm feeling a lot of my Granny in my thoughts lately. :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
Nice to learn more about you. Very good point in your last statement, we are not the abusers or victims of past offenses.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ellen. I enjoy learning more about folks, too.
DeleteWouldn't it be great if everyone could see that? It really burns me up for someone to hate me because of something that someone who looks like me did. But, they think it is wrong for me to do that. I think it is wrong for either of us to do it. But, they just want to keep hating me. Their loss.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
I've been to all the cities on your road trip list...go now, do not delay...they are all wonderful places to visit. I want to join you!
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA
If I could, I would, especially Charleston, Savannah, and Asheville. That would mean I was almost home. :) There are things preventing us from traveling these days, but maybe some day.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
The heat everywhere has been horrible this summer. Haven't thought about cheesecake. It is my favorite dessert so having it dipped in chocolate would be awesome! I would definitely be astonished if my husband randomly came up and kissed me for no reason at all.
ReplyDeleteIt sure has! The flip side of this is that, as I understand it, the parts of the world that are usually cold this time of year are having it pretty rough, too. They're extra cold. I'm willing to trade places with them!
DeleteCheesecake dipped in chocolate would probably put me in a coma. I don't think that I could eat just one normal slice. haha
Maybe your husband will astonish you today. :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!