Saturday 9: As Long As You Love Me (1997)
... Because Bookstraveller suggested The Backstreet Boys. Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This video shows the boys in the band nervously await an audition. When were you last nervous?
The last time I was majorly nervous was the morning David had the stroke. The ambulance was taking him to a different hospital campus and I wasn't really sure where it was. Plus, the freeway is under continuous construction and those concrete walls scare me to death. Thankfully, the ambulance got diverted to the hospital I was familiar with, but I still had to deal with construction and concrete walls. Aside from that, I pretty much wake up somewhat nervous every morning, not knowing what is going to happen.
2) BSB Brian Littrell was born with a congenital heart problem and had open heart surgery the year this song was released. Who is the last person you visited in the hospital?
David was in the hospital from May 26 until May 30. He is the last person that I was with at the hospital. I don't consider myself a visitor when it is my husband. I stayed at the hospital with him pretty much the whole time.
3) Littrell had different health trouble in 2009. While working in Japan, he contracted swine flu, which caused the band to cancel several events. Have you battled a cold or flu this summer?
I haven't had a cold or the flu yet this year, but allergies have been pestering me to death for months now!
4) When you feel a cold coming on, what's your favorite remedy?
Whiiii-ninnnnnng! That is a cure, right?
5) Brian and his cousin, fellow BSB member Kevin Richardson, are both from Kentucky and have been inducted into the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame. According to their website, if you tour the Hall of Fame you'll see exhibits that celebrate Kentucky's contribution to American music. Do you enjoy museums? Or do you think they're a snooze?
We love museums!
6) BSB Nick Carter was named one of People magazine's "Most Beautiful People in the World." Who is someone you think is especially gorgeous?
My husband and my babies, naturally.
7) This spring Nick became a father for the first time. Is anyone in your life expecting a baby this year?
Not that I know anything about.
8) The band has been involved in ongoing litigation with their first manager, saying he had been dishonest with them about how much they had earned. Tell us about someone you trusted, but shouldn't have.
There have been too many to mention. Two that come to mind happened in middle school and high school. In middle school, I told a girl what I thought about a boy. She blabbed it to him and I got no end of teasing about it. In high school, a girl asked to see my purse. She looked inside. At that point in time, I only carried a purse to school when the "need" was upon me. She told the aforementioned boy what was in my purse. Going from middle school to high school didn't grow him up any. He tormented me over the contents of my purse, or rather, the lack of contents in my purse by the time he got to it. At some point, he and I got into it and I let him know what my mama had taught me about using my knee. He sang soprano at the moment of impact and he didn't harass me again about things like that.
9) The band's record-breaking 1999 tour was sponsored by the Sears department store chain. Sam remembers the twice-a-year shopping trips to Sears -- spring and fall -- with her mother to update Sam's school wardrobe. What's the last article of clothing you bought?
It has been several years since I bought any new clothes. The last thing was a pair of pants.
Another museum lover! Yea!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you wake up nervous every day.
Museums are great. We have several railroad museums in the area. We love trains. :)
DeleteI think this nervousness will pass once I have accepted our new post-stroke life, our new 'normal'. Right now it feels a bit like waiting for the other shoe to drop because he is at increased risk of having another one within the first 90 days after the initial stroke. He had two more two days after the first one.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed weekend!
I can't even imagine all your family went through with David having a stroke. I will pray things get better.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the prayers. Right now, we're trying to adapt to this new normal and its limitations. He has balance issues that are also aggravated by the fact of having a diabetic ulcer on the foot of the stroke-affected leg. He isn't supposed to walk because of the ulcer, but he needs to walk to exercise the leg because of the stroke. It is a conflict no matter what.
DeleteThank you for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed weekend!
#4 is the PERFECT answer!
ReplyDeleteThanks. haha
DeleteHave a great day!
I loved your story about the middle school boy. Excellent ending. I am sorry about David's health issues.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I should have given him that lesson while we were in middle school, then maybe the incident in high school wouldn't have happened. He was a twerp.
DeleteThank you. David continues to work on improving. Balance is still an issue, but he will get better. He says this thing isn't going to beat him.
Have a great day!