21 October 2014
We didn't really do very much today. Mags didn't go to school because she spent most of the night throwing up. We all took this opportunity to sleep in and try to catch up on the sleep that all of the coughing and hurling has kept us from getting.
By evening, Maggie was looking for a way to make herself hurl, figuring that if she could just get it all out, she would be fine. She wanted to go to the park and see if the merry-go-round would do the trick. It didn't. Neither did the age-old trick of sticking finger down the throat.
I took the opportunity at the park to photograph the merry-go-round. I wanted to take a picture that shows it in motion, but I can't seem to get the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture to work together so that I can get the shot. Plus, I can't get a really good spin going on the merry-go-round because I am too short to reach the bars to spin it and not have the base brushing up against my pants. In the past, I didn't have a problem with this merry-go-round, so either it grew or I shrunk!
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