30 September 2013

Monday Morning Musings #4

First, I want to apologize to Cathy for missing last week's Monday Morning Musings. I don't know where my head was, and wherever it was, my brain was very absent. :)

Our (adult) children love My Little Pony and found a pony version of Monopoly . We've spent several hours at a time playing this game.

During one of the games over the weekend, our son landed in jail. While David and I were distracted with a transaction, our son "escaped" from jail and we didn't even notice. At some point, he said "Oh, I shouldn't really be out of jail. I just took my turn and went."

Immediately after that, he landed on a property where I had built a castle (like a hotel in regular Monopoly) and ended up having to pay me about $1100 in rent. Our oldest daughter then made the comment: "Honesty doesn't pay you; it pays other people!"

That just struck me as sometimes true, sure, but really very funny. Had he not said anything, we never would have realized that he'd been so sneaky.


Disclosure: Both the My Little Pony Monopoly and the regular Monopoly links are affiliate links. If you click them and purchase either (or both) games, we will profit from your purchase. Thank you for your support of my genealogical research!

1 comment:

  1. No problem with not linking up last week. It seems I had a problem with my linky thingyjig. I use to love to play Monopoly. It's been a long time since I have played. These days it's just two people games that are played around here. Have a magical week!


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