We started off in Sugar Land because David had an appointment with his podiatrist. The amputation site is healed and the other foot is looking better, but still has a while before it is healed. Thanks for the prayers.
Anyway, we left Sugar Land via SH 6, headed for I-10 West. Just outside of Columbus, we saw the first patch of bluebonnets. They were mixed with some other wildflowers, one of them being Indian Paintbrush, but I don't know the name of the yellow flowers.

We drove into Columbus and headed for La Grange. I'm going to have to drive into some pretty big mountains in May, so I figured that I needed to practice now on something higher than what I'm used to here in town, but lower than where we'll be going. On our way to La Grange, along SH 71, we found another patch of bluebonnets, this time in front of a really pretty house. The angle was all wrong for getting the house AND the flowers in the picture, but that's OK. It was here that I got my favorite shot of the day.

Hello, Suzanne. I nominated you for a Liebster Award. I don't know if you've been nominated before. The details are on my blog at Artisan-Denizen@blogspot.com under the Liebster Award page on the right sidebar. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Wendy! No, I don't think I've had this one before. I'll get started on it as soon as I can.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope that you have a great week!