30 January 2013

One Word 365

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

Rumor has it that the Bible instructs us at least 365 times not to be afraid. We are to have faith. If we're truly trusting that He has it covered, then we won't have fear. That looks really good on paper, but is harder to grasp in the realness of life.

We're human, we're faulty, and we fear the unknown. This life is full of unknowns. As we face these unknowns, we need to hold onto the fact that these things that are unknown to us are not unknown to Him. He knows what lies ahead. He knows that He is there for us. He may not prevent what is coming our way, but we are to have faith that He will be with us through it, whatever that "it" is. He didn't create us to be afraid, but to be faithful and to lean on Hiim.

With that in mind, my One Word for 2013 is Fearless.

One Word 365 - Fearless photo Fearless_OneWord_400_Button_zps754fcff3.jpg


  1. That's a great word, Suzanne. Funny thing is, I had chosen that word, too, but then thought TRUST would be more appropriate for me. It comes down to the same thing, though. :)

    1. Hi Neta, thank you. Yes, it does boil down to the same thing. If we fully trust Him, then we won't be afraid. We need to trust Him in all things.


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