08 November 2011

Chats on the Farmhouse Porch 16: #9

Please head on over to Everyday Ruralty to join in the fun!

This week's questions:

Dreaming asks: What accomplishments make you the most proud?

I think that I would have to say my children. They are my only real "accomplishment"; most definitely, they are what I'm most proud of.

Suzanne asks: When did your family first come to the country which you now live?

Part of my family was already here in what became the United States of America to greet the other parts when they came over. I am of Cherokee and Irish descent. Some branches of my family came to the not-yet-US in the late 1600s and others in the mid-1700s.

Wendell asks: What's your favorite way to serve carrots?


Do you decorate with anything that has Santa or Father Christmas when you prepare for Christmas?

Yes, and we use Santa wrapping paper, too. We aren't opposed to Santa here, but we do know the true reason for Christmas. It is about the gift that Heavenly Father gave to us of His Son and eternal life if we choose to follow Him.

Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs? Something in between, maybe?

Shep was the perfect size for a dog. She was a German Shepherd-Chow mix. She was big enough so that we could see her and avoid stepping on her and small enough that we weren't being knocked over by a horse if she had chosen to jump on us. She didn't generally pounce us. She was a sweet, gentle, loving dog. We miss her something awful, but will never get another dog.


  1. I'm glad you stopped by the porch this week. I have had both a Shepherd, and a Chow. The mix would be just the right size. I think raising children is the ultimate accomplishment. My hubby and I consider it one of the most important things we can do on this planet. Have a good week.

  2. You know, I forogt we also use Santa wrapping paper. I just love the festive colors of neatly presented boxes beneath the tree, don't you? I stock an array of colors and designs! I always buy paper after Christmas so I can have plenty on hand. =D

  3. It's hard when you lose precious dogs. i can definitely see how you'd feel you'd never have another one...

  4. I like that you think your kids are your greatest accomplishment. That is so nice.

  5. Interesting that most of us said 'our kids'. I wonder if that's the thing we know we can be really proud of and stay kind of modest. After all, they are who they are to start with and we just look after them and guide them.

    Yes, steamed carrots are best.

  6. We use Santa wrapping paper too, I forgot about that!

    Finally getting by to visiting the chats ladies! Sorry it took me so long but we've run into problems with some home improvements! Argh!!!


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