15 June 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge

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1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have one let's pretend you do.

I want to visit Ireland some day. But as long as the HS is playing frisky-feely at airport security, it will not happen. I'll just have to visit the land of my forefathers through books and movies and Internet pictures.

2. What makes a good dad?

A good daddy provides for his children to the best of his ability. It may not be a home as grand as the Biltmore House, but it is a place where the children feel safe. He provides more than the material necessities; he gives time and attention to the children, too. He may not make it to all of the school plays or ball games, but he puts other things aside when he can so that he can get to as many as possible. He is there for them. Not only is he there for them, he *wants* to be around them and share moments with them. His children respect him and are not afraid of him. He loves them and would not hurt them.

3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?

No. I am bigger than most insects and I have hard-bottomed shoes if necessary to defend myself. I haven't been so lucky in defending against spiders, though. Since they have decided that I make a good snack, they have also learned how to sneak up on me and chomp when I'm not looking. I'm not scared of them. They aren't scared of me. This is war...and a painful one. I'm trying to get over a spider bite as I type this. Huge, icky, oozy, painful thing it is.

The only bug that I would consider being afraid of, maybe, is a cockroach. Here in this part of Texas, they are nearly as big as a cat and they fly and they have sharp, pointy things on their legs and they will come after you.

4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?

Nothing is on the grill tonight. Maybe something good will be there tomorrow.

5. Do you believe playing is more important than winning?

I think that winning is fun, naturally, but I don't think that it is the most important thing. I think that having fun is the more important of the two. It can't be "play" if it isn't fun, in my opinion. What good is winning if you had no fun on the journey to the winner's circle?

6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?

No, I do not do anything purposely to tan. I don't see courting a potential problem. I don't want to look like a piece of leather or something by the time I'm fifty. I don't want skin cancer like my grandpa suffered. I get exposed to the sun while I'm out driving for work, mostly. I do not lay out or go to tanning salons or put tanning chemicals on me. But, due to extensive allergies and sensitivities, I do not use sunscreen because I don't want an allergic reaction. Aside from driving, my life is lived inside the house, away from the sun.

7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would...

I would never have imagined that I would be operating 6+ blogs. I'm always dealing with writer's block. So, what's the best cure? Creating a blog. Which requires writing. Which I can't do because I am blocked. Makes perfect sense, right?

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My own random thought...that's going to be a fun one to pin down. My mind is racing a hundred miles a minute right now with plans for the next two days and wondering what's going to work out on the job front.

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