09 May 2011

Memory Mondays: The Senior Prom

It is Monday and time to share another memory. Please be sure to visit Modern Mom Redefined to read the memories that others are sharing.

One of the first things that came to mind for me for this memory post was the senior prom. I chickened out of going to the junior prom. I am just not an "out there in front of everybody" type of person. But, with the senior prom, I knew it was now or never. However, my best friend didn't have a date to the prom and I was not going to go without her.

So, what does a good boyfriend/fiance do? Yep, you've got it. David took both of us to the prom. David danced with Holly for the fast dances and he and I danced the slow dances. It worked out just fine. It was certainly an interesting evening. How many guys have two dates to the prom?

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