21 May 2011

Genealogy: Family Group Sheets

Starting with your immediate family, write down the following information:

Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Date/Place of death and burial:
      Father's name:
         Date/Place of birth:
         Date/Place of death and burial:
      Mother's name:
         Date/Place of birth:
         Date/Place of death and burial:
         Date/Place of marriage:

Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Date/Place of death and burial:
Date/Place of marriage:
       Father's name:
         Date/Place of birth:
         Date/Place of death and burial:
       Mother's name:
         Date/Place of birth:
         Date/Place of death and burial:
         Date/Place of marriage:

Record this same information for any previous marriages of either/both spouses.

List the children, starting with the oldest, in birth order, also recording their birth dates and places.

List the dates/places of other important life events such as baptisms, graduations, enlistments, etc. for each person.

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