08 September 2018

Instagram Today

Day 8- Outside. Photo Taken 8 September 2018. While outside today, I was attacked by a pack of dogs. This is just one of the injuries they gave me. This isn’t doing my anemia any favors. It happened about an hour and a half ago and I’m still bleeding. Have a blessed day, y’all. @gabrielletreanor #breatheseptember2018 #dogbite


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. It was very upsetting and my leg is hurting from the bites and is very bruised, but I am okay overall.
      Have a blessed day. :)

  2. That is awful. I hope you reported it.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. I haven't seen them out there today, although they were out last night when David and Laynie went out with Petra.
      Have a blessed day. :)

  3. Oh my word Suzanne!! Payers that you are okay!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. They are much appreciated. Have a blessed day. :)

  4. Have you seen a doctor? Do you know who the dogs belong to? Have the dogs had their shots! What a terrible experience!

    1. Thanks. They've had their shots and the owners were notified. It was very scary. Never in my life have I been attacked by dogs like that. There were 4 or 5 of them. One of my brothers was bitten by a dog when we were young teens and out riding our bikes, and that scared us bad enough, but this was a whole pack of them. Aside from praying for Heavenly Father to help me, all I could think was to stay upright. I knew if they knocked me down, that was it. I could have lost my eyes. I think that scared me more than anything.
      Have a blessed day. :)


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