Many years ago, the Irish in America were exactly where Mexicans in America are today. We were seen as a necessary evil. It was fine to use us, abuse us, and discriminate against us, but they needed us to fill jobs no one else would.
In the book The Sons of Wetbacks: A Memoir about America, Immigration, and Jacob's 5 Uncles Who Were the Sons of Wetbacks and All Served in WWII by Jacob Montilijo Monty, we read about how necessary Mexican immigrants are, those who come in legally and otherwise.
To be sure, there are many things business and the government are doing to exacerbate the problem. There are things like a special checkbox on most forms and surveys that give the option to select Hispanic or not Hispanic. This seems wrong to most non-Hispanics, and maybe to some Hispanics.
We live on the Texas Gulf Coast where most of the Hispanics we know are conservative and speak better English than many native-born Americans.
I cannot count the number of times we had people come into the convenience store where we worked complaining that the legally required signs were in English and Spanish, but not other languages that are represented in the area, like Czech and Polish.
It would seem that in order to smooth out problems like this, the government should publish official forms only in English and the federal government should adopt English as the official language of the U. S., once and for all.
The Sons of Wetbacks is very well-written. It makes some very good points and helps to dispel several myths. We give it all five stars. We think that anyone on either side of the issue of immigration reform should read this book.
We were sent a complimentary copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.
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