1. I spend ______________ hours per day online.
2. When I go online, I use my ________________.
3. Mother’s Day ______________________________.
4. I wish ____________________________________.

Here are my responses:
I spend very few hours online anymore. By the time I have the opportunity to get in here to the computer, I have forgotten what it was I needed to do anyway. I am woefully behind on posting book reviews and visiting blogs. Unfortunately, I don’t see that changing any time soon.
When I go online I use either my PC or my smartphone. I use the Firefox browser on my computer and whatever it is that comes predone in the phone on the iPhone.
Mother’s Day is a mixed bag of emotions for me, as it is for many.
I wish that all of the bad people of the world would stop being bad and quit bringing sadness to others.
Our daughter Maggie has a new blog for her furbaby Martha. You can find it at: Martha’s Daily Mews
Have a blessed weekend, y’all!
Image Source: Pixabay
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