05 January 2018

Friendly Fill-Ins

5 January 2018

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. My guiding word for 2018 is _____________________.
2. A house is not a home without ________________________.
3. I look forward to _____ this year.
4. I really need to _______ , because ______.

Here are my responses:

My guiding word for 2018 is faith. When all is said and done, that is what we are left with.

Faith that He will get us through the current, seemingly endless, storm.
Faith that He has not forgotten about us.
Faith that the mountains that need to move will be moved.
Faith that we will eventually get to go back home.
Faith that things will get back to normal or we will adjust to our new normal once again.

A house is not a home without family in it, without love in it.

I really look forward to David getting to go home this year and us NOT having to do this whole routine again.

I really need to get caught up on my daily devotions and Bible readings because I am falling apart without them.

A hospital environment, with its constant interruptions, is just not at all conducive to serious Bible study and prayer. I can’t hold onto a thought here. Focus is completely gone.

But here, maybe more than anywhere, Bible study and prayer are needed. I need to find a way to fight against the tools the devil is using against me, trying to pull me away from my Heavenly Father.

I need to hold onto the faith that He won’t let me fall.

Happy New Year, y’all!

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.
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  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I am sure it is hard to keep faith right now, but I know you will. XO

    1. Thank you, Ellen. There are many difficult things going on right now, but we will make it, one way or another. Thank you for your encouragement. :)

      Have a blessed weekend.

  2. I am sorry to be so late. I may be late, but I do get there.
    Have you checked your hospital for a chapel area or quiet area? Is there a courtyard? I hope you find a place of peace.
    We had some very bad news about Clyde. But, we are determined to not let it steal joy. Clyde is all about living life with joy. Animals remind me of the little things like that. Hugs.

    1. There's no such thing as late around here, Annie. You're fine. :)

      The first hospital had a chapel. As far as I know, the second one did not. I don't know what this nursing home has, but anything outside is out of the question. This town is scary to me!

      Sorry about Clyde's bad news. :( He's in my prayers.

      Have a blessed weekend.


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