20 October 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is a fun meme co-hosted by 15 and Meowing and McGuffy's Reader. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. If I was a ghost, I would haunt ___________________.
2. I always __________________ when __________________.
3. My favourite scary story is _______________________.
4. I will be so glad when ____________________________.

Here are my responses:

If I were a ghost, I would haunt the bathroom. Folks would know it was me due to the constant flushing. Why not haunt the place where I spend the most time?

I always tingle when David hugs me.

My favorite scary story is Crybaby Bridge and I enjoyed very much writing a derivative work. David made a video of my adaptation of the story. You can view that video here

I will be so glad when I can get the time to practice cake decorating again. I used to bake and decorate cake years ago when David’s daddy was still alive. After he died, I started having problems with shaky hands and stopped decorating cakes. My hands are still shaky, but it is something that I want to do anyway, as well as have a YouTube channel chronicling my baking/decorating adventures.

Have a blessed weekend, y’all!

Image sources: Pixabay

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

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Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. I am willing to be a practice dummy for your cakes. I love you. Zing! Zing!

    1. Maybe you'll get to be a practice dummy this evening. We'll see how it goes. :)
      I love you, too, my Zing.


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