Here are the fill-ins:
1. _____________________ is a waste of time.
2. My favorite app is ____________________.
3. My first car was ___________________.
4. The best car I ever owned was ____________________, because ____________.
Here are my responses:
Trying to sleep is a waste of time. There are too many things that I need/want to do and sleeping just interferes with that. Besides, even if my mind is quiet long enough for me to fall asleep, my bladder isn’t going to let me stay asleep.
The camera app is my favorite. Most of the time I refer to the phone as a camera and that is primarily how I use it. Snapseed is my next favorite app. It is a photo editing app.
This covers both the third and fourth questions. Zoomie! There were other cars before Zoomie, but our little red Ford Fiesta is the first car that was ever purchased solely for *me*. It is the best car that I have ever owned because it is the ONLY car that I have ever owned. All of the other ones were share toys. I don’t have to share Zoomie with anybody. Of course, I do let David and the kids ride in it. Note that I said “ride”, not “drive”. :)
Have a blessed weekend, y’all!
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Thanks for letting me ride in Zoomie. I love you. Zing! Zoom!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. I can't think of anyone else that I'd rather have riding shotgun. :)
DeleteI love you, my Zing.
I can relate all too well to your response to #1, unfortunately. It's rare I sleep through the night. And like you, I often have trouble falling asleep because my mind just won't quiet down. I should have thought of the camera app. I probably use that one the most. Haha!
ReplyDeleteI hope you and David have a great weekend!
We need to figure out how to get our minds (and bladders!) to be quiet long enough for at least a few hours of sleep. What is your favorite thing to photograph? I love photographing flowers, birds, frogs and other little creatures.
DeleteThank you. It is shaping up to be an exciting weekend with us being in the apparent direct path of Hurricane Harvey. :)
Have a blessed weekend.
Right now my favorite thing to photograph is my daughter. :-) I also like to photograph trees and flowers. I keep trying to get that perfect shot of my cats, but they aren't very cooperative.
DeleteStay safe, Suzanne! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. We appreciate them very much!
DeleteI love photographing our daughters, too. Our older daughter loves being photographed, the younger one, not so much.
Cats are fun and frustrating to try to photograph. haha I've gotten some pretty good shots in over the years, but those are few and far between. Most of the time, I just got blurry kitty photos. They always wanted to sniff and lick the lens instead of sitting still for me. :) We don't have any kitties now. Our last one died awhile back and we just don't have the heart to go through it again. We have our grand-dogger Petra living with us (along with her mommy, our older daughter) and our frog Vivaldi. Sometimes they let me take pictures of them. Maybe some day we'll both get lucky and all of our critter shots will be non-fuzzy ones because they'll decide to play nice with us. Hey, it could happen. haha
Have a blessed weekend. :)
Goodness. I relate to #1, not sleeping through the night. I haven't in years, for various reasons. Slleep is important, too.
ReplyDeleteYour Ford is a cousin to mine. I can understand your fondness for it. I had wanted a Focus for a while, so when Bill took me to get it, I was thrilled but shocked. He does sometimes drive it when he is home, and I am okay with that. I love it.
Enjoy your week!
Thank you, Annie. I think this would be the perfect week to be a duck. haha
DeleteSleep is important, but there's no fighting what's going on right now. I've learned to function somewhat on minimal sleep. Sorry that you aren't sleeping well either.
I think the Ford Focus is a pretty car, too. It is one that I had contemplated, but I fell in love with the Ford Fiesta.
I'm a horrible passenger, that is why no one else drives me car. It will happen at some point, but not with me in it.
Have a blessed week. :)
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry you have so much going on, sleep is so important, I hope you can manage to get some. I sometimes take a serotonin supplement ( from Walmart) and it helps a lot and I don't wake up groggy like I would from a sleeping pill. I like the name zoomie for a car, glad you don't have to let anyone else drive it. Stay safe this weekend from the storm. XO
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ellen. I'm sorry that I haven't gotten around to visit everyone's posts. Things are a bit wonky here with all of the nasty weather. We're getting very limited computer time right now.
DeleteThank you. Zoomie has had several names since we first got him, but this one seems to fit the best. :)
I'm glad that you found something that helps you sleep that doesn't make you wake up groggy. My biggest problem is my bladder. It is something that I am just going to have to get used to because there's no way for me to have it corrected.
So far we're safe. Thanks for the prayers. Have a blessed week. :)