26 May 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins

This is a fun meme co-hosted by McGuffy's Reader and 15 and Meowing. Be sure to visit and join in the fun!


Here are the fill-ins:

1. My idea of roughing it is_________________________.
2. I never get sick of talking about _________________.
3. My youth _________________________________________.
4. My “golden years” ________________________________.

Here are my responses:

I have “roughed it” before. When my daddy bought his property in the woods in Starr, South Carolina, we did not have running water in the house for a while nor electricity, as best as I can remember.  My idea of roughing it is much the same, but I’ll throw in lack of an air conditioner as part of roughing it, too. I lived just fine without one back then. Most people I knew didn’t have one anyway.  Now, I could not deal without an air conditioner in the house. It would be unbearable, especially since we cannot open our windows due to smoker neighbors.

I never get sick of talking about family history, genealogy, and nature things. Right now, I especially enjoy talking about birds.  On this coming Sunday's We're Related- Or, Are We? post, I will share about a relationship confirmation that I have made. I was happy to finally be able to confirm one!

My youth was spent in the woods and I loved it! Then, I met David, and he took me out of the woods. I loved being with him, too, then and now.

My “golden years” are probably going to be filled with lots of time dealing with old lady problems, but also with birds, nature photography, and family tree research.

Have a blessed day, y'all!

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Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

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  1. IT would e cool if we could spend our golden years in the woods. I love you. Zing! Zing!

    1. If that fence ever gets replaced that the neighbors took down, maybe we can make a woodland paradise here. :)
      I love you, too, my Zing.

  2. Our childhoods were different! Early on, I grew up in apartments in Chicago. Roughing it was sharing with mice...lots of mice...in the apartment! Ha! Late on, there were other things, some similar to you. Up North, pipes freeze a lot, especially if there is a crawl space or open under the house.

    It sounds like your neighbors are up close to your house. That can be difficult! I like privacy for the critters and nature. Is that McClendon Manor?

    You are so blessed to be able to look up family history.

    Your golden years will be filled with grandbabies and love. I just feel it. Hugs.

    1. Thank you. Love, yes. Grandbabies, I am not so sure of. I hope for them some day, but that is definitely out of my hands.

      Yes, our neighbors that smoke are very close to our house. Not as close as some houses are to each other, but too close for comfort as far as I'm concerned. And, last year they removed the privacy fence between our yards, promising to have it back up within 3 weeks, which would have been right after spring break 2016. We are still waiting for it to be replaced. The neighbors on the other side of us, you'd never know were even there. Even when they have company, they do not disturb the entire neighborhood.

      No, the name of our house is McClendon Villa. McClendon Manor was David's parents' home back in Iva, South Carolina.

      Yes, I consider it to be a great blessing that I have the opportunity to research family history. I can't always have the paid subscriptions to genealogy websites, but there are ways of researching that are free, too. I use both.

      Have a blessed Memorial weekend!

  3. Oh yes about air conditioning! I would not want to be without it when it gets really hot. Plus, we're upstairs and have an attic that can make it hotter than it should be. I consider myself blessed. I haven't had to truly "rough it."

    I think you'll have some very nice golden years. :)

    1. Thank you, Annie. I think that you will, too. Thankfully, we're both a long way off from those at the moment. :)

      I've only been in our attic a couple of times and, boy, does it ever get hot up there!

      Have a blessed Memorial weekend!

  4. We had an attic fan when I was growing up and never thought about it being too hot. I can't imagine not having central air nowadays. LOL!

    1. As far as I know, we don't have an attic fan here. I don't know that I've ever lived in a house that had one. David has. Central air is a life-saver, that's for sure!

      Have a blessed Memorial weekend. :)

  5. Thanks for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. Sorry I am so late, I took a few days off after losing Snowball. I can't manage without an air conditioner either.

    1. Oh, Ellen, I am so sorry about Snowball. :(
      You're in my prayers. It is so hard to say good-bye. {{{Hugs}}}


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Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a blessed day!