17 April 2017

Book Review: Lifetime of Coincidents

A Lifetime of Coincidents
By Jack Tep

We were sent this book by the publicist so that we might review it.

A Lifetime of Coincidents by Jack Tep is an interesting short read.  This book is a collection of very short articles about different occasions in the author’s life and how they are punctuated by the music, movies, television shows, celebrities, and world events at that time.
Most of our blog readers are concerned about the value they would be getting for their money when they purchase the book.  The book is approximately 58 pages long and many of those are only partial pages.
The stories are interesting.  Mr. Tep tells his readers about his job driving a limousine and some of the interesting things that happened while he was in that job.  It would be great to see him write a book about more of those experiences.
We have no idea what the current price of this book will be when you read this but, if this book were offered in the Kindle format for about $2.99-3.99 the buyer would get their money’s worth.
We judge books for what it appears they were meant to be.  This book is a book of recollections, which is always an interesting read. 
We rate A Lifetime of Coincidents five stars because it gave us a very short walk down memory lane.  Mr. Tep tells his story well. It would be great for him to give us more details about some of the interesting jobs he has held and the interesting people he has met. 

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