01 January 2017

Maybe You Have Noticed…

I failed.  I did not make my goal of posting every day for a year. The year would have ended on 1 July 2017.  I fell apart sometime in December.

I made it five months.  While this frustrates my perfectionist side to no end, the overwhelmed side of me says, “No big deal! Five months in a row is better than you did in all of 2015!”  So, I’ll go with that thought and be happy for the five months that I did post daily, on both PS Annie! and McClendon Villa.

Posting every day for a year is not my new 2017 goal.  I do not know what 2017 and beyond holds for my vision and there are things that I want to get done before I can no longer do them.  While I plan to still be blogging, I plan to make time for these other projects, too.

Here’s to a happy, healthy, and creative year to all of you!

Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

I respond to all comments on this blog, ideally within 24 hours.  Please check back here for a response to your comment.  Thank you!
Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. Here is hoping we can save your vision. . Hopefully, all will be better in 2017.

    1. Thank you. I hope that your "hoper" is working. Mine needs a reformatting.

  2. It is okay with me. I read so many people that I like when most of them only post a few days a week! I can't keep up with daily posts for all of my blog friends. Happy New Year!

    1. I am not able to keep up either, with reading or with writing. There are so many good ones out there that most days I just do not know where to start and I end up not starting. Then, the day is over and nothing got done on my end of the bloggy world.

      Have a blessed day and a Happy New Year!

  3. It's okay. Do not feel bad. I feel overwhelmed sometimes by other bloggers who are able to post every day. I post when there is something I want to save or when I have time. Happy New Year and your future posts!

    1. Thank you, Connie. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when it seems like the rest of the world has their act together and we can't work at that pace. Overwhelm is no fun and seems to shut down everything for me.

      Have a blessed day and a Happy New Year!

  4. Don't be hard on yourself. I have about cut my blogging down to 3 days a week. If I am lucky. And sometimes I come up with more. But it doesn't really make any difference to anyone but me if I miss a day. Have a great week, my friend

    1. Thank you, Paula. We do what we can do and that's all anyone should be expecting. I hope that you have a great week, too, my friend. :)


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