22 January 2017

Financially Free: How to Decide What Kind of At-Home Business a Busy Mom Should Start

Financial tips from Snowe Saxman Money Oracle 

How to Decide What Kind of At-Home Business a Busy Mom Should Start

There are three questions you want to ask yourself when you begin to think about starting your own business. 

1)    How much time do I have to invest in a business per week?

Today we have so many options to help us work around our families because of the internet. It truly gives you the freedom to design your life and reach billions of people all around the world, which I did not have when starting my first business almost 20 years ago. However, you still need to sit down with a weekly plan sheet and figure out exactly how much time you can devote to a business each week especially as a busy mom.  A more traditional business like becoming a beauty blogger, coach, or a service-based consultant is going to require more of a time investment than the many wonderful direct sales and network marketing opportunities. They allow you to ability to step into a business model without having to develop the entire business plan.  

2) What financial resources do I have available?

Just like the time consideration, you must figure out how much money you have to invest and how long you can work a business without profiting.  More traditional businesses require a bigger financial investment.  You can “boot strap”, but that means you are not taking a profit, so you have to figure out how long you can do that.  Direct sales and network marketing opportunities do not require the same amount of financial investment, but you will need to invest something, so you need to know up front, "How much do I have?".  More traditional businesses can take as long as 3 to 5 years to be totally profitable.  Direct sales and network marketing can be 3 to 5 months, so understanding this when starting out is so important.

3.  What gifts, talents, or experience can I monetize?  

I truly believe that everyone has something they can monetize and turn into a business. Begin by taking an inventory of the things you are really good at, so that you can begin to find what you can turn into a business.  Ask yourself, what can I do with my eyes closed? What do people always ask for me help with?  And what would I do for free?

These are really great questions to figuring out what to monetize.  And this is another reason why I am hosting an exclusive online this Saturday, called Financially Free. Learn more here and grab your free divine financial gift bundle Financially Free.

Snowe’s Bio

Snowe Saxman is a Success, Wealth & Women’s Expert + two-time Amazon Best Selling Author, also known as the Money Oracle.  She was a millionaire at age 25, living on food stamps + bankrupt by age 35 and now she is earning multiple six figures on her way to Millions again. She is married to love of her life, Paul. They have 7 children and 2 grandchildren.  Yes, Snowe is a Glamma.  Someone way too young and gorgeous to be called Grandma.  She has been able to channel a painful past into a purposeful future and rebuild her global empire by teaching women God-Inspired success, financial & business strategies. Snowe had been featured on The Huffington Post, US News & World Report, Chase.com, Fast Company and hundreds  of radio stations across the country.

Notice: The Financially Free link in this post is an affiliate link, as is the Amazon book link. If you click the links and make a purchase, our family will financially benefit. Thank you for your support!

Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

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  1. I am looking for something to do at home.

    1. Hi Ellen, be on the look out for an email from me. David wants me to send you one of his posts that hasn't gone live yet (he's working on the video for it). He says it might have some ideas for you.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed day!


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