24 December 2016

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun-- My Santa Claus Memories

To learn more about this weekly event, please click the image below. Please let Randy know that Suz at PS Annie! sent you. :)
1)  Answer these questions:

a) Did you ever send a letter to Santa Claus?

b) Did you ever visit Santa and "make a list?"
c) Do you still believe in Santa Claus?
d) When did you find out "the truth" about Santa Claus?

2)  Tell us your answers in a blog post of your own, in a Facebook post or Google+ post.  Be sure to leave a comment on this post with a link to your answers.
1.  While I don’t remember any specific letter, I am sure that I sent many letters to Santa as a very little girl.
2.  Yes, we went to visit Santa, sat on his lap, and told him our list of “wants”.
3.  I believe in what Santa stands for, but I know that no guy in a beautiful velvet suit comes down my chimney with goodies each year.  I don’t have a chimney. J
4.  I found out the “truth” about Santa when I was a little girl. My daddy was facing a layoff at work and Mama was afraid that we wouldn’t be getting any presents that year. She told us the deal, that there was no Santa, because she didn’t want us to be upset with Santa when we didn’t get any presents.  I didn’t believe her, so I set about to search the house for presents.  If I found presents in the house, then I would know that she was telling me the truth. If I didn’t find a stash hidden, then there was a chance that there was still a Santa Claus.  The logic worked for my little girl mind.  However, now I see the flawed logic.  If there wasn’t any money for presents, there would be no presents for me to find.  
I don’t remember if Daddy ended up getting laid off that year or not, but we had presents. I don’t remember any Christmases from my childhood without presents.  I do remember one Christmas without my daddy.  He was a trucker that year and was snowbound in Oklahoma. That was the saddest Christmas in my childhood.  The presents weren’t the most important part of Christmas anyway.  Family and what Christmas stands for are the important things.  Our Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Son, who gave us the gift of eternal life by sacrificing His own.   

Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.

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