1. What's something you might say runs in your family?
This is a very interesting question for a genealogist. :) Health-wise, that would be heart and lung disorders and scoliosis. Otherwise, depending on whether we're talking my side or David's side, there is a tendency to be very short (my side) or very tall (David's side). While I do not know anything about how tall my great-grandmothers were, I do know that both my grandma and my granny were petite women. Granny was a little taller than me. Grandma and I were almost exactly the same height. My mama is about 5'7", so the little bit gene skipped her. :) Our girls are 5' or just slightly taller. Our boys are around 5'4" or 5'5". David is 6'3". His sister is about 6' tall and his little brother is about 6'4" or 6'5". Also, there are a LOT of brown eyes in my birth family, but not in the family that I birthed. Davey is our only brown-eyed child. His eyes are so dark that I call him my selkie.
2. I read here a list of ten things you should do before 2017 arrives (in less than six weeks!)...which tasks on the list might you do? What would you add to your own 'before the year ends' list?
visit your Dr. or dentist, deep clean your home, donate unwanted items to charity, look someone in the eye and tell them you love them, write an honest letter to yourself, clean up your inbox-desktop-photos, travel to a place you haven't been, compliment a stranger, watch the sunrise, think ahead to your goals/plans for the new year
I plan to continue decluttering the house and my computer files. We have items to send to the church's Love Closet. I will definitely be looking David in the eye (maybe even both of them!) and telling him that I love him. I want to travel to a place that I've never been, but I don't know that it will happen before year's end. Complimenting a stranger could happen because we've both done that on many occasions. You can't let a pair of neon orange sneakers or sparkly, hot pink fingernails pass you by without saying something. I will see quite a few sunrises and sunsets before this year is over. I am already thinking of my goals and plans for 2017.
My own additions to this list would be to finish knitting the purple hat that I started and to actually start the sweater that I had intended to make for myself for this winter. Hey, I at least got the yarn already! I also plan to write a letter that will be very difficult to write because it involves a past tragedy, but I have discovered the root of it. Now that I know these things, the right thing for me to do is tell, but I want to get through the holidays first because it will be extremely upsetting to those involved.
3. What's something other generations (not your own) misunderstand about your generation?
I think maybe the looser morality was difficult for some of them to understand. Each succeeding generation seems to have looser morals than the one before it and that can be very hard to understand and take.
4. Sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread dressing-which would you miss the most if it weren't on the holiday dinner menu?
The dressing would be the most missed, in my opinion. I never, ever, ever had a Thanksgiving without dressing at Granny's house and it would just be too weird. Everything would be thrown off without it.
5. What are you overthinking right now?
I am probably over-thinking which pattern to use for my sweater, but I absolutely cannot settle my mind on a pattern and get started on the bloomin' thing! At this rate, it will be Winter 2099 before I get a sweater made for myself.
6. Your favorite slang word lately?
I can't think of a favorite slang word lately, so how about a favorite phrase? It is from Hotel Transylvania II. Mavis is asking her dad Drac if he remembers how to video chat, and his response is, "Yes, yes, with the phone and the buttons and the agony!" I love it!
7. Write an acrostic for the word grateful.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. ~Izaak Walton
Please be sure to visit David over at Random Thoughts and Observations.
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I hope you get started on your jumper at least (and get the hat finished) I'm quite good at starting craft projects but not so great at finishing them. Happy thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Wendy. I'm still searching patterns and no luck yet for this picky side of Suz. :)
DeleteI'm bad about starting something and not finishing it, too. I am trying to be better. One good thing about not choosing the pattern would be that I can't be accused of starting something and not finishing it if I never start it to begin with. haha
David says that technically I started it when I bought the yarn. Party pooper he is! :)
Have a blessed day and Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Generations to tend to have looser morals....sad in a way.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is very sad. One of these days we'll reach a limit and that will just be the end of things on this planet, like Sodom and Gomorrha.
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
I agree about what you wrote about each generation although I wish it weren't true. Stuffing is my favorite too. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteI wish that it weren't true, too. David says these things come in cycles, loose morals and tighter morals. I can't wait for it to swing back to the more conservative morals and values.
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
Visiting from the Hodgepodge. I am a knitter as well, so I understand the angst of selecting the perfect pattern to marry up with the perfect yarn. Especially for a project like a sweater! I hope you find something you like soon, though. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThank you for understanding my dilemma. Have you ever made yourself a sweater? If so, what pattern did you use? I sometimes think I am too picky for my own good, but I have a lot of physical issues to work around when it comes to clothes for myself. I have scoliosis and what works for others won't always fit right on me. How do you decide which pattern is right for you?
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
Love your acrostic! We are a tall family here too. My oldest son is 6'6" tall. He's the tallest. I am 5/10"
ReplyDeleteThank you, Paula!
DeleteWow, your son is really tall! Are you the "not tallest" in your family? I am. All of our kids are taller than I am. There are 1st graders here taller than I am. :)
Have a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving would not be complete without dressing with a little sage and Granny's stumped toe.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. I think that particular Thanksgiving will always be remembered every time I smell sage. haha
DeleteNice to learn more about you. Good luck with your sweater. Have a nice Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ellen. :) The only thing settled on for this sweater so far is the yarn and color. I'm having a hard time with the rest, which means I likely won't get it done for this cool season. I am a very slow knitter.
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
I feel like I'm in a continual state of declutter. I start, I get distracted, and then go off doing something else. Gotta focus!
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I think decluttering is a life-time pursuit, Arlee. We'll never be done, any of us. It is just too easy to get distracted and go on to other things. When you're having focus issues, what do you do to get yourself back on track? Sometimes I just have to keep telling myself, "No! I have to do this first." Sometimes it works, most times it doesn't.
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
When I lose focus that's often the end of whatever I was originally doing. Then it's waiting to another day when the decluttering mission enters my mind once more.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
That happens here, too. I only have so much energy. By the time I'm done with the distractions, there's nothing left for the original project. Here lately, I'm on overload across the board, so nothing is really getting the attention that it needs. Oh well, at least I won't be bored because I'll still have something to do later. :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed weekend!
I agree. Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without the dressing! Enjoy yours!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joyce. I hope that you enjoy yours, too. Wow, the first Thanksgiving in a brand new, just for you, house. Wonderful memories for sure. :)
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
You really do this meme very well. I like learning more about you, too. Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Annie. :) I hope that you and Ellen will decide to start participating in this one, too. That would be great!
DeleteHave a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving!
I agree with you on the morels of each generation. I noticed yesterday when I had leftovers I ate the dressing last, it is a favorite of mine too! Love your acrostic.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Debby. :) Dressing always reminds me of Granny and one Thanksgiving especially. She got a wee bit too much sage in the dressing and it was readily apparent. It was great anyway. It was cooked by Granny. :) My last bite has to be a combo bite: turkey, gravy, dressing, and cranberry sauce.
DeleteNow, on to Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!