01 August 2016

Share Your World - Week 31

To learn more about this challenge, please click here: Share Your World.


With your answers, please remember we are in the SYW world which may not always match our reality.

What is your favorite part of the town/city you live in? And what Country do you live?

The college campus has beautiful landscaping. The local First Presbyterian Church has a wonderful wildflower field. If I want to take pictures of flowers or flowering trees, I don't have to wonder where to go. These two places never disappoint me. 

I live on the Gulf Coast of Texas, United States of America. OORAH!

Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day?

I don't want anything at all to do with clowns. They are evil! But, if I absolutely had to choose between the two, I would choose the shoes. The wig would drive me mad.

Which way does the toilet paper roll go? Over or under?

OVER! The right way is over. When it goes under, it makes too much racket as one is unrolling it. Besides, if you put it rolling under, you can't do the fancy hotel folds on it and expect them to stay and no one will see them on the backside of the roll.

What do you do to make a living or during the day? If you are retired, what mostly occupies your day? Or if you are a student, what are you studying?

We are retired.  I spend a great deal of time working on the blogs and looking for challenges for us to participate in. I also do a lot of genealogy research as well as research ways to make and/or save money. I also do what I can to take care of David. He is supposed to stay off of his feet due to the diabetic foot ulcer, which is fine because he is a fall risk every time he stands up thanks to the strokes.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for another stroke-free week! I am grateful that our oldest daughter enjoys her volunteer job. I am looking forward to our youngest daughter being home for a couple of weeks before school starts back again for the fall. I am looking forward to writing my posts for the August Happiness Challenge and thinking about happy things.

Please be sure to read David's post over at Random Thoughts and Observations. Thanks!

Please subscribe to David's YouTube Channel. Thanks!


  1. That must be very scary to worry about another stroke. I agree with you on the toilet paper :)

    1. Yes, it is, but I am trying to work through the fear and frustrations. It will take time like everything else, I guess.

      From the looks of it, the "overs" have this one in the bag. :)

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!


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