1. Tell us about one fun thing on your June calendar.
One fun thing on my calendar is celebrating David's birthday AWAY from a hospital!
2. How careful are you in the sun? Do you tan or burn? Do you make it a point to see the dermatologist every year?
I don't burn usually, though I did have a really nasty sunburn once as a kid. I do tan somewhat. I try my best to not have to go out in the daytime. Texas is way too hot when the sun is up. I’m a creature of the night. I've never had a moon burn, so night seems safest to me!
Although skin cancer has reared its ugly head in various family members, I do not use things like sunscreen or sun block. My skin is very sensitive to various chemicals and I can't be sure anymore what will cause an allergic reaction. No, I do not see a dermatologist every year.
3. Describe a time when you wanted to 'throw in the towel'?
This would probably describe most every time I try to use Microsoft Excel. The program hates me. I can do the exact same thing as David does and it just will not cooperate with me. I gave it a nickname that I will not repeat here. Though for the most part, I try avoid the program, I have ventured back into it a time or two for genealogical projects like this one: Colorful Family Birthplace Chart.
4. What's a song you love that has a day of the week in the title or lyrics?
Manic Monday by the Bangles is one that I like, but I think my absolute favorite song featuring a day of the week in the title is Raining on Sunday by Keith Urban.
Raining on Sunday
5. Are you a fan of berries? Which one's your favorite? What's the most recent berry dish you've eaten? Which blueberry breakfast food appeals to you most-blueberry pancakes, blueberry yogurt, or a blueberry muffin?
I love berries! Strawberries are my absolute favorite, but I also like blueberries and cranberries (in juice and sauce form). I am allergic to raspberries. Blackberries are okay, but I don't seek them out. Strawberry jello from the hospital was the last berry (flavored) dish that I had. I like blueberry muffins and yogurt. I like plain pancakes over the fruited variety. My favorite blueberry treat is Toaster Strudel and I could eat a whole box of them by myself, but I am a good girl and share them with David.
6. What's something you want to do before your next birthday?
I would love to master the knitting pattern that I'm working on right now. It is for a baby hat inspired by Downtown Abby and an old pattern from a wartime (WWII) magazine. You can find it here: Annie Cholewa: Downtown Hat
7. June 1st is National Say Something Nice Day, so let's all say something nice here.
Jade was a nice and compassionate CNA at Oakbend Medical Center. She was very apologetic every time she did something that she thought hurt David. She said that she didn't like to hurt people. She's a sweet young lady.
Strokes are scary things. No matter whether it is a TIA or a massive stroke or something in between, life changes. What it leaves behind is confusion, not just for the person that the stroke hit, but for loved ones left to deal with the aftermath. It is scary to go from being the dependent one to being the one depended on. Life feels all upside down.
Please be sure to visit David's Wednesday Hodgepodge post at:
Sweet, compassionate nurse are such a blessing!
ReplyDeleteI agree. We've had some real doozies over the years, but this hospital trip had more good than bad ones.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
hope david has a very blessed birthday
ReplyDeleteThanks, Denise! I hope that you're doing well today.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
I forgot about cranberries. I love them too. Yes, a kind and compassionate nurse is a real gift. There are many out there too. Wishing you a great day!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joyce! Cranberries are great and wonderful at getting rid of certain issues. I was having an issue once that was extremely uncomfortable. After about three days of drinking only cranberry juice, the problem resolved and I was fine. I'm glad that it tastes good, too. It made those three days more bearable.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
Yay for celebrating David's birthday away from the hospital! I just read a book written by a stroke victim (Diving Bells and Butterflies)...he wrote it by eyescanning letters; someone else wrote down what he was saying letter by letter. Very good book for getting a perspective on what the victim is going through.
ReplyDeleteCNAs that really care are truly a rare gem. May God bless her! :)
Thanks! He has a doctor appointment that day, but hopefully we can still make it a great day.
DeleteThat book sounds very interesting. I will look into it and maybe make it a recommendation on the post I'm working on about this experience with strokes.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
I appreciated all the nurses who took care of me when I was in the hospital. Yes, strokes are very serious. I hope you get the baby hat done and post a pic.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you had good nurses when you were in the hospital. :)
DeleteThank you. I hope that I am able to complete the hat done. I will definitely post a picture of it when I do.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
My daughter is a nurse is a large hospital in Nashville. A good caring nurse or CNA makes all the difference. Prayers for David's recovery, this will be a birthday you celebrate as a blessing that you have him home with you for sure!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the prayers. We appreciate them very much. It will definitely be a celebration. I was afraid that first day especially that we were going to lose him.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
I love blueberries! Berries are so good for us from all that I've read.
ReplyDeleteAs I grow older I think about strokes more. I'd hate to be so dependent on other and lose my ability to get around easily and to be able to drive. It seems to be unpredictable when it does happen to somebody and that one of the worst parts. No time to prepare for what comes afterwards.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I've read that, too. I've heard they are wonderful for the memory. I certainly need a gallon a day if that is true!
DeleteWe all need to be prepared for these things as we get older. Having our final wishes written down or tended to already so that our loved ones don't have to worry about what we would want is important. Maybe planning for the bad things and adapting our homes along the way just in case is the thing to do so that if something does happen, there aren't so many "what now?" type questions.
David has been a Type 1 diabetic since he was age 14. It was diagnosed as he went into a coma. We've known for years many (though not all) of the goodies that diabetes can offer up to a person and that strokes were a risk. But, many people feel they are bulletproof and don't handle their diabetes the way that they should. I can understand that because who wants to think about dying and live like you're dying instead of having the time of your life? There are things that we could have and should have done differently along the way, but we can't go back, only forward.
This is very hard to adjust to. Though we've always depended on each other somewhat, I'm not used to him depending on me this much. It is scary and what if I mess up along the way?
Sorry for the rambling. I hope nothing like a stroke or heart attack or any of those other nasties are ever a part of your life. May you all be healthy!
I hope David gets better soon.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jazmin. We appreciate that very much. He'll beat this. He's too determined to let a thing like a stroke whip him. :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed weekend!