15 May 2016

The Russian and the Nazarene

The strong Russian in the red vest stares me down with eyes so clear they're dizzying;
I can't stand.
Pulling me in, using my weakness against me, making me fight again a battle long ago won.
How long can I resist?
The Russian rules my waking thoughts, promising comfort within, beyond the sting;
I can't hold on.
Quenching the thirst of my heart while dehydrating my soul, stealing my sanity.
Should I give in?


The gentle Nazarene with the blood stained garments and scarred hands, eyes so full of love,
He stands for me.
Pulling me in, using my weakness to grow me, fighting the battles I'm too weak to win.
He resists for me.
The Nazarene guides me, delivers the comfort promised, and silences the sting,
He holds me.
Quenching my heart, restoring my soul, calming my mind, with living waters,
I surrender to Him.

© 12 January 2012, Suzanne G. McClendon


  1. I feel I just read some kind of end times poetry. Wondering how we'd manage to stand for Christ against an onslaught of hate and pain. I admit, I don't understand it, but I believe that if we have to suffer through trials like that, that just as the saints of old died with smiles of rapture on their faces (that drove those like Nero insane!) our God will come to us, hold us and capture our gaze so that all we see, all we feel will be Him!
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I feel the same way.

      It is a battle that we fight each day in one form or another, a battle not against flesh and blood, but unfortunately it controls flesh and blood people around us. I'm trying to make myself keep that in mind. I shouldn't hate the people that are causing the problems, but realize that it is something from the spiritual realm that has them in its grasp. The battle is against that creature. We have to be able to see past the hell he puts on earth through other people - and sometimes ourselves - to the eternal nature of what really going on.

      I appreciate your comment very much. I just hope that my response made sense. It did in my head before I started typing it. :)

  2. This was powerful and beautiful! I like the personification of the pull of evil as opposed to the open arms of the Nazarene, welcoming, comforting, healing. You are right that we need to see beyond what his happening... hate the sin, not the sinner. It's not always easy to do, until we learn to look through eyes of His love.

    1. Thank you!

      It seems very often that what is right or best for us to do is the hardest. We have to lean on His strength and love to do it. Many days I get through by praying and repeating to myself, "Just one more minute. He's got this. He wins this one." Sometimes it is very hard, in the middle of extreme hurt, to hold onto what I know to be true.

      Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it very much. It is very encouraging to me that my poem is touching people. :)

      Have a blessed night!


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