©2016 Suzanne G. McClendon |
Oh yes, it most definitely has and a week earlier than last year. You would know because of all of the beautiful wildflowers everywhere. We saw the first bluebonnet on February 26th! The flowers are my favorite thing about spring. I love to photograph them. The other thing about Gulf Coast Texas springs makes that difficult. They are always dancing because of the wind!
2. Besides the weather, what's put a spring in your step recently?
Knitting and crocheting are bringing me a lot of joy (and pain…thanks, arthritis!). This is something that David and I are enjoying together…the knitting, that is; not the pain.
3. How does Easter impact you?
It represents the day that Jesus gave His life and overcame death for me, little, old, nobody me. It grieves me that He endured such torment because of me and blesses me that He proved my value by dying for me. What greater act of love is there? I am glad that He loved me enough to do such as He did, but wish that it had not been necessary. It is a day for thinking and thanking.
4. I saw this somewhere on Facebook and thought it would make a fun Hodgepodge question. Which of the following would you find most disappointing...
A just stuffed taco shell breaking open and spilling out before you take the first bite? Dropping a just-purchased Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts coffee? Opening the peanut butter jar and finding it empty? Upending onto the sidewalk a just-purchased ice cream cone? A burnt bagel popping up in your toaster when you're rushing breakfast? Or cutting into an avocado and finding out it's rotten?
First, the no peanut butter thing would be a problem. I LOVE peanut butter. Is the ice cream Blue Bell? If so, then the dropped ice cream moves to the front of the line. Then comes the rotten avocado. After the peanut butter, ice cream, and avocado, out of the choices that are left, I would have to say the spilling taco. I don't drink coffee (I just sniff it…it smells great!) and I don't eat bagels.
5. What's something held together with tape at your house? Or a paper clip? Or a wing and a prayer?
I would have to say the house. It is as old as I am and everything is falling apart in it just as it is in me. haha
6. Do you feel underappreciated? In what way?
Most of the time, yes. I have a lifetime of "not good enoughs" behind me and it is difficult to silence those old tapes. Very rarely do I genuinely feel appreciated or valued. I realize that my value, though judged by people on this earth, does not come from them. Heavenly Father proved my worth when He sent His son to die for me. His thoughts of me have eternal ramifications. The judgments of other are temporary and, ultimately, do not matter.
7. What's something you'd build if you knew how?
I would build a house of our own. On a smaller scale, I would build an antique-looking armoire. Or even a bird house. I just want to be good at creating something!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." - Jeremiah 29:11 KJV
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