18 November 2013

Monday Quiz About Me

Acting Balanced


1. According to the source I use for strange and wonderful days, today is Occult Day - are you a believer?

I believe in Heavenly Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I don't worship any "oogie-boogies", though I do believe that there are spirits and demons out there among us.

2. Have you ever attended an auction? Did you win what you were bidding on?

No, I have never attended an auction, though I used to hear them all the time. There was an auction house near the house where we lived in South Carolina. It was kind of creepy actually because there was a cemetery between us and the auction house. It was easy to imagine the dead were the ones doing all that talking!

3. Have you started your Christmas shopping? Finished it?

No and no. It involves a green thing that I do not have, nor will I have by Christmas. Thankfully, our children are old enough to know that it isn't all about material things, but about the Gift that Heavenly Father gave us when He sent His Son to be our Redeemer.

4. How's your weather?

Freaky. I think that our winter is over for the year. We had a week or so of wonderfully cool weather. Now, we're back to ultra-muggy warm-to-hot weather.

Bonus question to be answered in the comment section:

If you were a car, what kind do you think you would be? What kind does your spouse think describes you the best?

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