08 July 2013

Monday Quiz About Me

Acting Balanced


1. What is your favorite summer activity?

Now that we live in Texas, my favorite summer activity is staying indoors with the air conditioner going full Arctic blast!

2. Do you have a honey-do list? or a to-do-list of your own?

We have plenty to do around here, but no list of things to do.

3. Would you go for a massage? Facial? Spa treatment?

No, on all counts. If I want a massage, my hubby is right here to do it. I wouldn't be comfortable with someone else doing it. I have too many allergies to risk facials and the like with unknown "remedies".

4. What was the last song you danced to?

Bonus question

Thinking back to the last time you got extra or "bonus" money, what did you spend it on? Was it on something necessary or something from your "I want it!" list?

Please be sure to click the button above to play along!


  1. We don't get bonus money now that we have retired however when we had it we would spend it on vacations.

    1. That sounds like a good way to spend it to me. What was your favorite vacation?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  2. My nails!!!
    I love having long nails.

    1. I love long nails, too, but mine are forever breaking. They've gotten to be very brittle. What is your favorite nail color/decor?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  3. Last t9ime I had "extra" at the end of the month, I bou8ght a couple of scrapbook kits and added a few books to my Nook.

    1. That sounds fun. Books are always a winner around here, too. Do you have a favorite scrapbook supply company?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  4. Last bonus money, I believe most of it went on paying bills. But we usually try to use at least some on something we want or maybe towards a trip.

    1. That is usually how it works around here, too. Extra money is generally a rarity. Sometimes we get a special dinner out of it and that is fun. Where was the last trip that you were able to take, thanks to bonus money?

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Denise. How are you doing today? I hope that all is well there.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!

  6. Bonus money? That's a joke lol I've worked at the same hospital for 22 years. I've seen TWO christmas bonuses and they were only $300 and was taxed so it was hardly anything. I believe I used it on christmas presents.

    1. Bonus money is an extreme rarity around here, too. :) I'm sorry that the taxes ate your bonuses. That stinks.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!


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