What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?
I'm not sure if this counts as advice or not, but when I was pregnant for the first time I was telling my grandma things that other people were telling me about the process. They were upsetting me with horror stories about it being the most awful pain in the world, etc. Grandma told me "it isn't a day at the beach, but it isn't anything to get all worked up over either". She was my calming force. I could trust her and she was right. My obstetrician had initially been unsure if I'd be able to deliver our baby without a c-section. He had the crash cart ready. Dr. Hearne told my husband after I had our son that I was the best Lamaze patient he'd ever had. I credit Grandma for that. Had it not been for her, those other people (and one in particular) would have had me so terrified that a c-section would indeed have been necessary.
Do you have houseplants?
Do dead ones count? I've got lots of those!
Do mosquitoes bother you or leave you alone?
They think that I'm a smorgasbord, 24-hr, all-you-can-eat dining and the mosquitoes around here apparently love garlic!
What's your favorite charity? If you have one.
I would have to say that Braden's Hope is at the top of the list. There are others, but this one is very close to my heart. Please visit the site to read about the work that they are doing.
Do you like mint? Which variety is your favorite?
I like mint okay, but I can't eat a lot of it at a time. I like the kind that is in choco-mint cookies. I can only eat a couple at one time, though. If I eat more than that, my tummy starts to feel really icky. I haven't had any of these cookies in forever.
PS Patrice! David says to let Wendell know that he has some carrots for him over at his website, too!
Image Credit: Free Clipart Now
Hahaha, your houseplant answer cracked me up. We have the same skills apparently ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to have made you laugh. :) Reckon we'll ever grow out of killing them? :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I love your answer on the mosquitoes. Too funny!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It seems no matter what I put on, they are going to come after me. Avon's Skin So Soft and even their Bug Guard...doesn't matter what, they still feast on me. My husband can wear the stuff and the varmints bounce away from him and make a bee- ooops - mosquito line straight onto me.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
don't the elderly make life so great?
ReplyDeleteI so miss my grandparents & great aunts ... so true. they are so wise & tell you like it is ... at a drop of a hat. I hope when I get to their age - I will be able to help others just like they helped me. ( :
Yes, they do. Babies and the elderly are my favorite groups of people.
DeleteI miss my grandparents and their siblings, too. They had their moments, like we all do, but they were great folks. You knew where you stood with them and knew you were loved.
I've gotten the blunt bit down pat, I think. I just need to learn to be a bit softer with the bluntness sometimes.
I hope that we will both be able to help those that come after us. No one should ever have to be terrorized going into childbirth or anything else, for that matter. May we be a great comfort and help to those that cross our paths, now and in our old age.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
good answers.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Denise. I appreciate that very much.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a great week!
I wish I'd had that kind of advice when we had the Girl. I was so terrified that I hyperventilated. We didn't want drugs, but my blood pressure rose so high so fast, the Man made them put something in my IV. All of that happened in an hour & 26 minutes. Looking back, you're grandmother's advice would have brought me peace too. Have a blessed week :O)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that you were scared when you went to have your baby and that your blood pressure went so high. It sounds like you had her pretty fast! My last live birth was that way, too. Thankfully, my blood pressure played nice in spite of the fact that I drove across town at 7 centimeters dilation. My husband couldn't drive at this point due to being legally blind.
DeleteMy mama's blood pressure shot up when she was having me, too. I was her first and she was scared to death. She passed out. I was born before she came to again, but she didn't know that. She was afraid that I was still in there. My aunt had to tell her that I'd been born already so that she wouldn't get freaked out and pass out again. :)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Have a blessed week!
That was great advice from your grandmother. I was also a bit freaked out from all the horror stories, and wished I had someone there to calm me down a bit.
ReplyDeleteI wish that you'd had someone like my grandma to help you calm down, too. My grandma was a really peaceful, gentle woman. I never heard her speak a mean or harsh word to anyone. The closest that I can think of was when one of my aunts was teasing me about being short. Grandma told her to stop it, that Heavenly Father made me this way and that I was just fine. Even then, she didn't raise her voice. My granny, on the other hand, might have sent that aunt across the room. haha
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Tell David that Wendell was so excited to see carrots on his blog. :)
ReplyDeleteThat is sweet. :) I will let him know.
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