21 January 2013

Desperate Plea

My family is in a desperate situation at the moment. First and foremost, we need prayer. The recent hospitalization of my husband has thrown our finances into a downward spiral that appears to have no way up.

In an effort to help meet an immediate need for our children, I am offering for $1 (or whatever you feel led) the first sixty prompts from the 365 prompt book that I have been working on. This, too, got sidetracked while we dealt with health issues, but I am back to working on it.

If you would be interested in purchasing this snippet of "365 Writing Prompts of My Own", please let me know. Please e-mail me at: Suzanne McClendon

Thank you for your consideration and most of all for your prayers!


  1. I'm sending you a bunch of writing prompts for free. I will make that my project this morning. Please email me and let me know what kind of prompts. General fiction? Romance? Paranormal? Etc? I want to help. Give me an answer and I'll send what comes into my little pea brain this morning.

  2. Can I ask people to help by posting on my blog? I think you paying even a cent for them is silly- let it be random acts of kindness for our blog friends. Blessings! P


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