18 November 2011

Five Minute Friday: Grow

Please be sure to visit the Gypsy Mama to play along!

This week's prompt is: Grow.

I love to grow things - ideas, babies, flowers - and not necessarily in that order.

It doesn't take much to get my mind to thinking of ideas for this or that. I can pass something on the street, flip past it in a magazine, or catch a glimpse of something weird on a television show that sets me on the trail of other thoughts, most totally unrelated to what I saw.

Over the years, I've been blessed to watch my babies grow into fine young adults. They are beautiful hearts that touch mine each day. They bring laughter and I know we're supposed to let them grow and go, but I would really prefer it if they grow and stay here. I don't want to stifle them...This is where I need to grow. I need to learn to let go and have faith that Heavenly Father is going to take care of them in my absence. He knows their hearts far better than I do and, although I love them more than life itself, He loves them even more.

I love to grow flowers and would have a yard full of them if I could. This yard is too shady to grow much other than snakes and cats, which is does really well. Back before the drought killed my antique roses, I experimented with growing new roses from cuttings. I was successful at getting one out of eight to survive. That isn't a very good turnout, really, but I was happy to see that one little rose grow to be as beautiful as the parent plant. I hope to someday grow many, many more roses.

Growing; it can be done in a multitude of ways. We can grow our hearts and minds beyond the physical boundaries of these earthly bodies. What are you growing these days?


  1. I love the thought that ideas grow.... thank you!

  2. @NotUnredeemed

    You're welcome and thank you, too. I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. I hope that you have a wonderful evening. :)


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