30 May 2011

Day Eighty-Nine: A Plea for Santos

This post will be cross-posted to Random Thoughts by Suzanne and P.S. Annie!.

Over the last couple of years, I have been reading updates on, and praying for, a little guy named Braden Hofen. He is battling cancer and, so far, he is winning. PTL!

Today, Braden's mother shared a prayer request and a plea for another little fellow also battling cancer. His name is Santos and he has brain tumors. He is in his second relapse.

There is an experimental treatment available that may well save Santos' life. However, the insurance company will not cover this treatment. They need $20,000 just to get this treatment started, to have further hope of saving this child.

I don't know about you, but I don't know anybody at this point that just has $20,000 laying around. These are not expenses that can be planned for. With cancer, you don't know what is coming or how long it will last.

Prayers are requested and are needed for both boys and the many other children battling illness. Financial donations are being requested for Santos, so that they can begin this experimental treatment. He deserves a chance at life.

Here is the address that donations can be sent to:

Industrial State Bank
Att: Santos Arreola Treatment Fund
Account # 130000794872
P.O Box 6007
Kansas City, KS 66106

If you, or a group you're involved with, are looking for a service project, please consider holding a fundraiser for this cause. Just let me know and I'll pass your information on to Braden's mama, who shared this request with me.

Thank you so much and may Our Father bless you!

89. I am thankful for the overall good health of my children. I am thankful for the strength that Heavenly Father gives to parents and family members dealing with a catastrophic illness such as cancer. I am also thankful for the healing that He can bring. I am thankful that Our Father is still in the miracle business.

One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
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