16 May 2011

Day 1: My Favorite Song

While responding to a Meet Me on Monday post at the Third Times a Charm blog, I came across another fun adventure. :)  It is called "All About Me in 30 Days".

My Favorite Song

This is a hard one for me. I have a lot of "favorite" songs because I like songs across many genres of music. So, I'll dig way back into my past, to a song that I loved dearly as a little girl. Every Sunday when the music director asked for requests, I asked for the same song, without fail.

"The Old Rugged Cross"

I wanted to post a version with Elvis singing it. He is my all-time favorite singer. The ones that I found tagged as Elvis were clearly not Elvis. However, Loretta's voice is much like the voice of those that I grew up with and I love her music, too.

This song means a lot to me no matter who is singing it. Just hearing it brings me the comfort that I found in church as a little girl, where I knew, with no doubts, that Jesus loved me and would always be here for me.

That promise still stands.

I will cling to that old rugged cross...


  1. Hi Suzanne! I was checking out your different blogs and saw this! So glad you are participating, can't wait to read all about you!

  2. @Lisa

    Thanks, for commenting and visiting! I am enjoying this challenge, though I am wondering what I'll post for some of the prompts.

    I hope that you have a great day. :)


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